Saturday, April 21, 2007

Check out Joe Biden's plan to reform health care. His plan, he admits, is borrowed from John Kerry's health plan. I don't think I heard an established plan. I know, I'm jaded but check it out anyway.

The Medicare Privatization Scam - New York Times

The Medicare Privatization Scam - New York Times

Medicare plans that can actually save the government money? Well according to an editorial in the New York Times, the government pays private medicare management companies huge subsidizes to help manage medicare patients. These providers are then able to charge their clients lower rates while offering the same service and paying the doctors and hospitals the same rates that they get under medicare.

Who knew, the government has a plan to help people save money on health insurance, they just don't know how to distribute it to the masses.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


This is my movie, I had to make some corrections. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Is it really that great?

Illinois Health Connect
I feel confused about Illinois Health Connect, the new statewide plan in Illinois. It is supposed to help the millions of Illinoisans receive health coverage. However understanding the double talk and vague language of this plan makes me suspicious. Not to mention that many hospitals are not accepting new patients under the states plan and are virtually freezing out Medicaid patients. But please if I am over reacting prove me wrong.